Saturday, September 29, 2007

Word of the Week

I hope it is not beyond my power to further this blog by extending the "quote of the week" to have a mate: "WWW"- Walker's Word of the Week. I hope to keep from those half interesting words that are the names of extinct plant species in the southeastern Philippines; those cannot be used in conversation. Instead, I will need feedback as to whether these words are funtional in relation to everyday living. This word will be brow raising and educational in the same breath, so hold on to your mouse you screen gazing CPU utilizers.

Word of the Week:

Obiterdictum- 1. An opinion voiced by a judge that has only incidental bearing on the case in question and is therefore not binding 2. An incidental remark or observation. (something said in passing)


Kody G said...
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Kody G said...

Hey, I think next weeks word should be of Hibernian origin.